Recent Research Papers:

Imaginary Cubes, Geometry, Games and Puzzles.

  • Gouta Hayashi and Hideki Tsuiki:
    Augmented Reality for Zome Construction,
    in Conference Proceedings of Bridges 2020, pp 403 -- 406. [ online conference proceedings ]
    [ Youtube video ]

  • Yasuaki Kobayashi, Koki Suetsugu, Hideki Tsuiki, Ryuhei Uehara:
    On the Complexity of Lattice Puzzles.
    in Conference Proceedings ISAAC 2019: pp 32:1--32:12. [ online conference proceedings ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Obtaining the H and T Honeycomb from a Cross-Section of the 16-cell Honeycomb,
    in Conference Proceedings of Bridges 2017, pp 147 -- 152. [ online conference proceedings ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki and Yasuyuki Tsukamoto:
    Sudoku Colorings of a 16-cell Pre-Fractal,
    in Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs, Proceedings of JCDCGG 2015,
    LNCS 9943, 2016, pp 265-276. [ pdf] The final publication is available at .

  • Hideki Tsuiki and Yasuyuki Tsukamoto:
    Imaginary Hypercubes,
    in Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8845, 2014, pp 173-184. [ pdf] The final publication is available at .

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Imaginary Cubes and Their Puzzles,
    Algorithms 2012, 5(2), 273-288; doi:10.3390/a5020273, [ Open Access Journal ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki and Yohei Yokota:
    Enumerating 3D-Sudoku Solutions over Cubic Prefractal Objects,
    Journal of Information Processing 20(3), 2012:667-671, [ Pdf available from the publisher. ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Imaginary Cubes --- Objects with Three Square Projection Images.
    Bridges Pecs: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture, Conference Proceedings, 159-166, 2010. [ online conference proceedings ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    SUDOKU Colorings of the Hexagonal Bipyramid Fractal.
    In Proceedings KyotoCGGT 2007, LNCS 4535, pp.224-235, 2008. [ pdf]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Does it look square? Hexagonal Bipyramids, Triangular Antiprismoids, and their Fractals .
    in Conferenced Proceedings of Bridges Donostia . Mathematical Connection in Art, Music, and Science, Reza Sarhangi and Javier Barrallo, editors, Tarquin publications, 277--287, 2007. [ online conference proceedings ]

    Computation over Real numbers and Topological spaces, Program Extraction

  • Ulrich Berger, Hideki Tsuiki:
    Intuitionistic Fixed Point Logic.
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172(3), (2020). [ Science Direct ] [ arXiv ]

  • Ulrich Berger, Olga Petrovska, Hideki Tsuiki:
    Prawf: An Interactive Proof System for Program Extraction.
    in Conference Proceedings CiE 2020, pp 137-148. [ Publisher's page ]

  • Arno Pauly, Hideki Tsuiki:
    Tω-representations of compact sets.
    CoRR abs/1604.00258 (2016). [ arXiv ]

  • Yasuyuki Tsukamoto, Hideki Tsuiki:
    Properties of domain representations of spaces through dyadic subbases.
    Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 27(8): 1625-1638 (2017) doi

  • Hideki Tsuiki, Yasuyuki Tsukamoto:
    Domain Representations Induced by Dyadic Subbases.
    Logical Methods in Computer Science,11(1): 1--17 (2015) [ Journal Page ]

  • Kei Terayama, Hideki Tsuiki:
    A Stream Calculus of Bottomed Sequences for Real Number Computation.
    Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 298: 383-402 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.entcs.2013.09.023 [ Pdf available from the publisher. ]

  • Mahito Sugiyama, Eiju Hirowatari, Hideki Tsuiki, Akihiro Yamamoto:
    Learning figures with the Hausdorff metric by fractals - towards computable binary classification.
    Machine Learning 90(1): 91-126 (2013)

  • Haruo Ohta, Hideki Tsuiki, and Syuji Yamada:
    Independent subbases and non-redundant codings of separable metrizable spaces.
    Topology and its applications, 158,1-14,2011. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2010.09.003 [ pdf ]

  • Yoshiki Tsujii, Takakazu Mori, Mariko Yasugi and Hideki Tsuiki:
    Fine-Continuous Functions and Fractals Defined by Infinite Systems of Contractions.
    In Infinity in Logic and Computation, International Conference ILC2007 Selected Papers, LNCS 5489, 109-125, 2009.

  • Hideki Tsuiki, Shuji Yamada:
    On Finite-time Computability Preserving Conversions,
    Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 15, no. 6 (2009), 1365-1380. [ Open Access ] [ Slides at Dagstuhl seminar(2011). ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki, Keiji Sugihara:
    Streams with a bottom in functional languages.
    In Proceedings ESOP 2005: The European Symposium on Programming, LNCS 3444, pp.201-216, 2005. [ pdf ] The final publication is available at .

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Dyadic subbases and efficiency properties of the induced ${0,1,\bot}^\omega$-representations,
    Topology Proceedings, 28(2), pp.673-687, 2004. [pdf ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Embedding Compact Metric Spaces as Minimal-limit Sets in Domains of Bottomed Sequences
    Math. Struct. in Comp. Science. 14(6) pp 853--878 (2004) [ pdf ]

    PowerPoint sheets of a talk at Dagstuhl seminar on Mathematical Foundation of Computable Geometry and Topology, May27-31, 2002.

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Real Number Computation with Committed Choice Logic Programming Languages
    Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 64, pp.61-84, 2005. [ pdf ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Representations of complete uniform spaces via uniform domains
    In the Proceedings of the CCA 2002 Workshop (4th Workshop on Computability and Complexity in Analysis), Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 66: 176-188 (2002) [ pdf ]

    PowerPoint sheets of a talk in Matsue (Int. Conf. Topology in Matsue 2002). If you have some problem looking at this, please see the online version .

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Computational Dimension of Topological Spaces
    In Jens Blanck, Vasco Brattka, and Peter Hertling, editors, Computability and Complexity in Analysis, volume 2064 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 323--335, Berlin, 2001. Springer. 4th International Workshop, CCA 2000, Swansea, UK, September 2000. [ pdf ] The final publication is available at .

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Real Number Computation through Gray Code Embedding
    Theoretical Computer Science, vol 284/2 pp 467--485, 2002. [ pdf ]

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Implementing Real Number Computation in GHC. (in Japanese)
    Computer Software, vol 18 No 2. [ pdf ]

    Dynamical Systems

  • Hideki Tsuiki:
    Unimodal maps as boundary restrictions of two-dimensional full-folding maps.
    Topology and its Applications 159:1266-1275, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2011.11.002 [ pdf ]

    Hyperbolic Topology and Formal Balls

  • Yasunao Hattori and Hideki Tsuiki:
    Hyperbolic topology of normed linear spaces.
    Topology and its applications, 157:77-82, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2009.04.047 [ pdf]

  • Hideki Tsuiki and Yasunao Hattori:
    Lawson topology of the space of formal balls and the hyperbolic topology.
    Theoretical Computer Science, 405:198-205, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2008.06.034 [ pdf ]

    Overloading and Merge Calculus for the Foundation of Object Oriented Languages

  • Hideki Tsuiki. A Domain-theoretic Semantics of Lax Generic Functions,
    Theoretical Computer Science, 294, 307--331, 2003.

  • Hideki Tsuiki. A computationally adequate model for overloading via domain-valued functors.
    Math. Struct. in Comp. Science, Vol.8, pp.321-349, 1998.

  • Hideki Tsuiki. Currying Multi methods in a merge calculus,
    In 2nd Int. workshop on functional and logic programming, World scientific Publishing, 1998.

  • Hideki Tsuiki. On Typed Calculi with a Merge Operator, In 14th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical co mputer Science, LNCS 880, pp.101-112, 1994.

  • Hideki Tsuiki. A Normalizing Calculus with Overloading and Subtyping, In 2nd Int. Symp. on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, LNCS 789, pp.~273--295, 1994,

  • A Record Calculus with a Merge Operator.
    Ph.D. Thesis, Keio University, 1992. [ ps ]