Imaginary Cube Sculpture #1
(Sierpinski Tetrahedron layout)

These four pictures present different appearances of one and the same object. It is composed of the 16 imaginary cubes of the above artwork, that is, all the representatives of the minimal convex imaginary cubes. The object as a whole is also an imaginary cube, as this picture shows. The imaginary cube components are arranged according to the structure of the 2nd level approximation of the Sierpinski tetrahedron, and their assignment and orientation are carefully chosen so that they are connected at vertices. They are connected by threads which are glued from the inside of the polyhedra at vertices. This object is colored with 7 colors except for white; six colors are assigned to faces and edges of the 6 directions with square appearances, and those faces which compose the holes in the four blocks are colored black. These holes have the form of a triangular antiprismoid, which is among the 16 imaginary cube components.