Imaginary Cube

Imaginary Cube Puzzle 3H=6T
Explanatory Notes

This (and its rotations) are the only solution of the puzzle without gaps between pieces. It has beautiful three-hold symmetry.

There are many ways to put nine pieces if we allow gaps between pieces.
However, we found only solutions that have a T at the center of the box.
It is open whether other kind of solutions exist to this puzzle.
We enumerated solutions with a T located at the center of the box.
There are 512 solutions of this form. (We identify those equivalent by horizontal rotation of the cube, and do not identify mirror images.) There are 276 solutions modulo mirror equivalence. We have 52 solutions if we identify those equivalent through three-dimensional rotations. It is still open whether there is a solution that does not place a T at the center of the box.

This puzzle is related to the fact that the three diagonals of T are orthogonal and T can be arranged so that all the 6 vertices are on the axis of coordinates.

H and T form a three-dimensinoal tiling, as this picture shows. In this tiling, a T touches 8 pieces around it and The solution is such nine pieces put into a box.